Thursday, January 28, 2021

Tantalizing Tales & Offerings

 So I'm taking my erotica author role a step further and starting an author newsletter. Readers of my newsletter will have access to special offers and unpublished stories, along with first dibs on what I'm writing. At times, I'll even be looking for BETA readers (free book for your feedback). I hope you'll sign up and follow along with me!

Sign up here!

I've spent these past weeks writing and polishing my Life Art trilogy. The cover art is getting some final touches and the books will be published in the next few weeks. I'm excited to share this next erotic journey with you all when they come out.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Life Art, a sexy work in progress

My friend told me a story from when he was younger. He and his girlfriend sat nude for an artist, a painter. Now, he didn't go into detail about poses, positions, or just how entwined they were asked to be for the artist. He is a gentleman in that way. Since then, however, I have imagined the scenario and the many ways it could play out. 

Thus, my newest work in progress, Life Art. I have written two stories in the trilogy, to be released in the next few weeks, and the third is under way. Think of all that can happen when three strangers (did I mention my characters haven't officially met?) meet in a well-lit room, two in varying states of undress, and the confident artist with a penchant for issuing commands. Enjoy this excerpt and follow me to get the latest about when it is released. Happy Reading!

Life Art

     "So, tell me, Lani, what inspired you to respond to my ad? Do you know what life art is?"

      "I believe so."

      "To put it simply, it's nude modeling. In a bit, I'm going to ask you to take off your clothes, I will pose you, and then I will sketch you. The painting comes later. This whole project will take a few sessions. I hope that you are comfortable with this?" She said this last as a question. 

     "Yes, I, uh, I think so." Was I?

      Madeline paused to study me, again surveying my body with a scrutiny that warmed my blood. She stood then and came to me, reaching her hands towards my hair, pausing to ask, "Do you mind?" I wasn't quite sure what she was asking for, but I simply responded with a shake of my head. 

       She reached towards my bun, gently pulled out the hair tie, and let my thick, dark hair fall. She reached delicate fingers into the mass of tendrils and brought my hair to rest around my shoulders. I caught the hint of a provocative perfume and noticed the smoothness of her skin. I wanted to slide my tongue along her neck and collarbone. Where had that come from? She arranged my hair alongside my breasts, fingers brushing their sides, another exciting jolt of touch. Her face was close to mine. For a moment, I feared she might kiss me, but when she pulled back, I was slightly disappointed.

     "Your hair is stunning, so much life. I've always envied women with lustrous hair like yours. I don't even remember what color mine is supposed to be anymore," she laughed. I thought her dyed black straight bob a sophisticated look and began to tell her so. A knock on the door stopped me.

     "Ah, that must be Jeff."

     I sat there, confused, as she went to answer the door. Perhaps Jeff was a delivery guy or some friend dropping off supplies. I heard the voices at the door, saw Madeline's back as she greeted whoever was there, and frantically thought of how I would explain my presence here if need be. I looked down at my clothes to make sure everything was in place. When I looked up again, Jeff was walking into the room.

     Jeff, the attractive, charming, confident guy from my philosophy class. The reason I got excited about going to class when the topic was too dull to hold my attention. The guy with the shaggy mop of brown curls my fingers itched to play with—the well-built athlete with a friendly smile and penchant for philosophical ramblings. Here was the stand-in body of my erotic fantasies, the guy whose cock penetrated my thoughts as I rubbed myself to climax.

     What in the hell is he doing here? And how was I going to explain my presence? I watched in horror as he made his way confidently into the room, scanning the paintings and décor. He stopped when he saw me, a puzzled look on his face, but smiled.

     "Hey Lani, how's it going?"

     He knew my name. That was a shock in itself, but then the casual way he came around to sit near me on the couch made me flustered. I stuttered out some return greeting and looked to Madeline as she sat in the armchair across from us.

     "So, you two know each other? That could make this interesting." Neither of us said a word. "Well, you’re both here because you responded to my ad for a nude model. I thought it would be fun to try sketching you together. Are you both up for that?"

     She said this last as a question, but I took it as a challenge. Would I give up now? Was I going to tuck my tail and run, flee from the scene of an attractive naked man and prove my friends right? I thought about it; I really did. 

     The ice in Madeline’s glass clinked as it shifted. My body started to tremble, and I could easily imagine the movement of getting up and walking out of the condo. My feet twitched in expectation. My heart thudded loudly in my ears. I chanced a glance towards Jeff and saw he was watching me intently. When he caught my eye, he smiled. "I'm game if you are."

     My pussy fought for me to stay, begged me to see this through. I tried a few more diversionary images of my warm, safe bed and my dignity, but in the end, she won. 


Follow me on twitter @EvaWestAuthor

Another Sexy Reveal

Life Art: The Reveal is published! (Okay, it has been for a while but it took me a bit to get to this blog post). So here is a teaser from ...